Friday, December 14, 2007

New Better Igloos Catalog - December 2007 Issue!

Hello Penguins!

There is a New "Better Igloos" Catalog! The new Catalog has many great things to get your Igloo set up for the Home Decor Contest! There is also some new Hidden Items in it too! Here are the Hidden Items!

To find the Moose Head:

  1. First, go to page 4.
  2. Click on the "$" sign that is on the Cash Register.
  3. Now you have the New, Moose Head!

To find the Mullet:
  1. Go to the "Fall Plant Upgrades" Column. (Page 6)
  2. Now, click on the Ficus Plant's Steam.

You now have the New, Mullet.

To find the Pipe Organ:
  1. Go to page 7 in the Catalog.
  2. Now, click on the Upright Piano.

You now have the Pipe Organ.

To find the Concert Lights:
  1. Go to the "Electronics" Page. (Page 10)
  2. Click on the Home Stereo.

Now you have found the Concert lights!

To find the Candelabra:
  1. First, go to the "Clearance!!" Column. (Page 12)
  2. Now, Click on the Fire Pit.
  3. You know have the Candelabra!

Also, make sure to check out the New "Igloo Upgrades" Catalog!

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President

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