Saturday, December 8, 2007

New Emotes Quick Keys!

Hey Penguins!

I got some Quick Keys for the New Emotes for you! Check them out:

Popcorn Quick Key:
Strawberry Ice Cream Quick Key:
Choclate Ice Cream Quick Key:
Cake Quick Key:
Face Quick Key:
Here are some other Quick Keys:

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President


  1. hello i want to be vice presedent or in head of cheats

  2. Hey Jimy0123,

    On Monday, there will be a post having all the information you need to become a T.C.P.C. Member! So, be sure to check us out on Monday!

    -Cena12121(T.C.P.C. President)

  3. cool all be the first one there i cant wait ur pal

  4. todays monday can i be a member now!

  5. What is the best way to earn virtual coins (even without playing a game)? Where is the Postcard Section?

  6. There are lots of them so you are missing some of them. Here they are, all of them including the ones who are already in here.
    All Quick Keys
    E1 - laughing face
    E2 - smiley
    E3 - straight face
    E4 - frown
    E5 - surprise
    E6 - sticking out tongue
    E7 - wink
    E8 - green sickly face
    E9 - red angry face
    E0 - sad face
    EF - flower
    EG - game
    EH - heart
    EP - puffle(blue)
    EM - coin
    EL - good luck( four-leafed clover)
    EC - coffee cup
    ES - skull( can't be accessed anymore)
    Shift! - exclamation point
    E? - question mark
    H - hello
    B - bye
    O - OK
    Y - yes
    N - No
    T - Throw snowball
    S - sit(use keyboard arrows to move in any direction)
    D - dance
    W - wave(hands)
    ED - sun(day)
    EN - moon & stars(night)
    EI - igloo
    EQ - pink ice cream cone
    ET - penguin quack(sometimes referred to as a fart sound)
    EW - brown ice cream cone
    J(only) - tell a joke(answers automatically appear)
    That's all just make sure to click outside of the text box.

    P.S. Hope this will help. I really had a hard time typing it because I'm a slow typer(a little bit). That's all! Hi Cena! What server can I see you? I want to be head of organizing the site.

  7. I also forgot the crooked face,popcorn,pizza,cake and light bulb. Then, here they are.

    EU - crooked face
    EZ - pizza
    EK - cake
    EB - light bulb

  8. how can i make note

  9. Wow! Thx for the note Cena12121!
