Friday, December 28, 2007

Feeding your puffle anywhere and Puffle Super Play!

Hey Penguins!

This is a very cool cheat. It is feeding your puffle anywhere! This is how to do it:

  1. Go to your Igloo
  2. When you get to your Igloo, click the door.
  3. While walking to door, click on your puffle.
  4. Go to anyplace that's on the map.
  5. Now, wherever you go, the puffle card will stay on your screen.
  6. Now, feed your puffle.
  7. The puffle card will stay on your screen until you feed it.

Now, if you go back to your igloo, you'll see that your puffle's Energy bar is full. You can also give your puffle a bath or play with it! But, you can not walk with your pet in this Glitch.

This is Puffle Super play! Some of you know this but, I am posting this for the New penguins in Club Penguin. This is how to Super Play with your Puffle:

  1. Go to your Igloo.
  2. Click on your puffle and make sure that it's Energy, Health, and Rest bars are full.
  3. Now, when all bars are full play with your puffle.

See what your Puffle can do! This is what my Red Puffle does:

-Cena12121 (T.C.P.C. President)


  1. when all ur bars r full and u play with it, it doesnt do anything different than normal

  2. I go and love club penguin!
