Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Hey Penguins!

Happy New Year! Are you ready for a long year in 2008? I am! I went to a party at my friends house and played video games and ate a lot of food and desserts! I had a blast! What did you do?

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President


  1. i had a great party too! at exactly midnight i used airhorns and bells and silly string! my neighbors used fireworks! it was soo kool cuz they were RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! i set off a roman candle (dont worry they are safe) i also used sparklers! ~~~~HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL~~~~

  2. Cool!

    It sounds like fun! At midnight, I poped a confetti Poper! And two houses awy from us got fireworks that shot in the ski and it was so neat!

  3. at midnight we went to a friends house to buy fireworks and then use them.

    It was so cool!!


  4. i just stayed at home and watched ITV1

  5. please read

    im thinking of having like a huge party some time in cp, like with everbody famous-ish-(has a blog with lots of hits) involved too. u r famous, right? I haven’t planned it yet, but maybe sometime around this year, with, like everybody who knows about cheats and has a big blog could come. And, fans and friends, of course. what do you think? Maybe you could be a host or somethin… just an idea. i just think that you know, for all-around-the-year holidays, famous penguins say like “come to MY halloween party, at blah blah blah blah, please come.” I think everybody should get together and stuff.

    if you think this is a good idea, please come to my site and say you wan to be in the party. thanx, tell me what u think.


    ~*Cranberry K*~

  6. happy new years plus i own the wii
