Friday, January 11, 2008

New Play- "Squidzoid Vs. Shadow Guy & Gamma Cal"!

Hello Penguins!

There is a New Play at the Stage and it rocks! It is called "Squidzoid Vs. Shadow Guy & Gamma Cal!" This is how it looks like:
The New Play has so much stage effects too! There is something called "Switchbox 3000" and that box makes fireworks go off at the stage and other effects! Here are all the effects and what button to press:

Make it night time:

Make a car come out:

Make fireworks go off on the Left side on the stage:
Make fireworks go off in the center of the Stage:Make Fireworks go off on the Right side of the Stage:

Make a Blue Laser hit the Dragon:
Make a Pink Laser hit the Dragon:
To make the 'Super Puffle' come out:
Also, if there is a New Stage, then there is New Scripts and Costume Catalog! Here is the New Script:
Here is the New Costume Trunk Catalog:
In other New:
Club Penguin Brought back the Heart Emote! They brought it back because they think that they took it back for a wrong reason.
Also, the Ice burg is back in the Telescope that's in the Beacon. What does it mean? Will it be in the upcoming mission or will Rockhopper crash into it?

That's all for today! Also, some clothes in the New Catalog do a special dances! Be sure to check those out too!

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President


  1. Cena can I be your private N.L.O.S.The NLOS means Ninja Look out spy.I can try to find the ninja for you.

  2. Hey!

    Yea, you can be my "N.L.O.S.".Just tell me if you see something weird that has to do with ninjas!


  3. Cena ,

    Im planning on a site called " Would you like to join the site?

  4. Hey Tikihead12,

    Sorry, but now I can't join. I hope you'll get lots of hits and I'll make sure to add it to my blogroll!


  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. do you have any cheats about how to make new penguins agents???????
