Friday, April 18, 2008

New Better Igloos Catalog- April/May Issue!

There is a new Better Igloos Catalog! There are some hidden items in it. Here they are.

To find the Palm Tree:
  1. Go to the "PLANTS!" section; Page 1.
  2. Click on the small Palm Tree that makes the letter "P".

To find the Cake:

  1. Go to the "For Your Kitchen" section; Page 12.
  2. Click on the Refrigerator.

To find the Big-Screen TV:

  1. Go to the "ELECTRONICS" section; Page 18.
  2. Click on the LCD Television's screen.

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Hey Cena,

    was that comment below you deleted said "There is a billion CP sites that have catolog cheats. Soooo how are you helping us?" Was that the comment. I got one that said one. Its probably that hacker. you know he should get suspended or expelled from the internet.


  3. Oh Cena,

    Im really sorry. I thought of it. Please forgive me. I ddin't know that comment was wrong.

  4. Hey Cena,

    Remmeber those bad comments I recieved weeks ago. I got them again. But not the one thats says my site will be hacked. But if that comes. I will email you this. Because I think this guy is going to straighten his plot this time ang going to get away with this.


  5. How was your bike ride. I was in a bike rodeo early today to compete against other schools around the city.

  6. Hi Cena,
    Its sad that i never met you in club penguin, i really wanna be buddies with the owner of such a great and fabulous site...=`(....i was wondering if you have a yahoo messenger...

  7. hey cena today on cp u came in my house and said it was an emergency
    what were you talking bout?
