Thursday, April 10, 2008

New Mission and Secret P.S.A. Letter in the Newpaper!

As you know, there is a new Mission on the way! The new mission will continue Mission 6. I can't wait!! In the mean time, here is a Mission 7 sneak peek. . .

Also, I found a secret P.S.A. Letter in the Newspaper! This is how to find the hidden letter:
  1. Click on the Newspaper that is on the upper left hand corner.
  2. When it is opened, go to Page A6.
  3. On the page you will see "G". He has a letter in his pocket. Click on it.
  4. The letter will come up and you will see 3 Puffles.
  5. Click on all the puffles to make them all Gray.
  6. Then the rest of the letter will appear and you can read the secret note! It is about the Polar Bear.

Pretty cool! Right? Don't forget that when you close it, it will explodes.
-Cena12121, Team Club Penguin Cheats President
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