Friday, April 11, 2008

New Play- "Quest For The Golden Puffle"!

There is a new play at the Stage! It is "Quest For The Golden Puffle". It is really cool. Especially the special effects. I like the Snowball thingy the most. Check out the Costume Trunk and everything.

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President
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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. It is pretty cool!!!! I love Team Club Pneguin Cheats because u can pratically tell us everything! thanks for tellling me about the egg timer and the ninjas!!!!

  3. Cena,

    a long time ago, I seen on your site a member penguin. It was a picture. I that you???? Please respond!!

  4. Pop, cena is a member. I checked his igloo.

  5. Cena you watch WWE right? Well I'm from england and I'm goin to see it live tonight!!!

  6. I love the play.

    Cena-My blog is BACK! I know I didn't post in forever but now my blog is back!


  7. this rockz make a video for all your mission cheats so there can be a place for people who don't want to see the video. and a place for people who do wan't to see a video
