Friday, May 30, 2008

Club Penguin Improvement Project Free Gift

After a long wait, the Club Penguin Improvement Project free gift is out!! It's like a Red hat. Only the penguins that help server testing got these items in there inventory today.

What do you think about the free item? If you could, what other ways would you have improved the hat? I would make it green and
blue stripes ;-)

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i would make it black with yellow strips but red is ok

  3. Hey can you please advertise my site on yours I will with mine to your ok? I started my site again so I wanted to get more people for the start again!Please help me!


  4. Red is quite awesome too!!

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. I would make it purple with black stripes but reds cool but it could have had a feather on it

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Dude,
    This site ROCKS! Can we be partner sites or something?

    - New Blueboy

  11. I would like blue sence it's my favorite colour.

  12. were those MY comments you deleted cena?
    sob :(


    Hey cena12121,
    Hey can you check out my site and join my Go Green Penguin Team? It's a group of penguins that save the enviroment. So far though it's just me and a guy on cp named Chubaj. Chubaj doesn't even know I have a blog. So I guess he doesn't really even count. Heres the info:
    I'm starting a team called the "Go Green Penguin Team"! If you want to join leave a comment on my site: saying:” I want to join the Go Green Penguin Team! Can you give me the test?" The test is a little quiz. I will leave a comment saying the questions and if you get the majority right you're a member of the team! What do we do? All members of the team it is your duty to start Green Parties. Green Parties are on CP when you start in the town or any room (except an igloo) and yell things like "Stop Global Warming! Go Green NOW!" or "Go Green Penguins! Join me to SAVE our WORLD!" or simply "Go Green!" then when penguins start building up in your group (this might take a while so be patient) you can start dancing and yelling out Go Green things. Remember to be the color green as a penguin and only wear green or blue clothes. And to stop the chaos NO pink for flowers and YES blue for the ocean! Thanks!

  14. how you become a ninja plz tell me because some people are ninjas

    cp name bart1879

  15. I had an exciting day today. Well, my dad and I went hunting out on this game wardens place and we took his dog Ruger along, and guess what happened? The dog killed a rattlesnake! It's true, he killed it with one bite! I was gonna go blow it's head off when dad says it dead. Exciting day.

  16. love ur site cina i would have the hat green
