Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cena's Vacation Pictures!

As some of you guys know, I went on vacation to Lebanon and Paris. So, I decided to show you some pictures of my trip.

Some cool pixs of Lebanon:

Pictures from the back of our house:

From the airplane 50,000 feet of the ground:

Cool huh? Have you ever traveled anywhere out of your country? Tell me!

-Cena12121, Team Club Penguin Cheats President
TCPC: Club Penguin Cheats and More!


  1. wow that looks soooo fun

  2. i live in usa and went to canada

  3. Yah!

    ive gone to saudi arbia,bahrain,doha and my home the philippines!


  4. whoa those r really COOL pictures!!! i would never get the courage to look out the plane!!!!!!!!!!! XD i always feel weird when i look out the windows!!! DID YOU?! lmaoooooooooooo.

    (ur numba one fan<3)

  5. Cool! I travlled to lanzaoraty idk how to spell it, that was hot there!

    Agent Lc

  6. I've been to Burmuda,Iceland and Swedan!Plus i live in the USA!

  7. Love those pics. Ya also went to a city I am not familiar with and it is Piris. I know a Paris but huh.... ;) I've been in a plane. Loved it!

  8. i went to canada,washington d.c., new york, boston, hawaii and i dont know where else! lmaoz! :)

  9. I went to Asia and US! Does that count?

  10. Wow!
    That trip sound cool!

  11. Wow. Hard to believ to take a vacation to Lebanon. The places I have been outside the US is Mexico, Japan, and Thailand.

  12. i went to lebanon and hordan
    thats a pic of the dead sea

  13. Hey Cena

    Those are cool pictures!!

    I have been to Maylsia in Pengang!

  14. hey cena isnt it weird it look like the planes olny going 5 mls per hour

  15. i live in usa and i went to toronto canda

  16. Cena about ur cheats for finding the ruby, You don't need to click the lamp.

  17. Nope.......Never left *******!

  18. I just like to say your blog rocks!

    Agent Lc

  19. hi cena!!!!
    i went to jordan next to lebanon and lebanon egypt
    and the flight was 22 hours

  20. Wow, I bet you had a nice time! I have been to Spain, France, America ans I also went on a Mediterranian Cruise! Lol!

    Awesome Pictures, Awesome Post, Awesome Website, Awesome you!

  21. I haven't gone anywhere yet but I'm going to Vanatu with school next year!!!!!!!!

  22. wow cool! ive been to Czech republic,Istambul,England,Singapore,Kula Cumpur,Melburne and i live in Indonesia,Bali

  23. YES actually GUATAMALA!!!

  24. outside of the usa i have been to venezuela, greece, mexico, canada, germany, czech republic, and poland (if walking around there and eating an ice cream there for half an hour counts). in the usa i have been to pennsylvania, new jersey, new york, dc, connecticut, new hampshire, massachusetts, rhode island, maryland, california, arizona, nevada, and utah. and i am only 12. but what do those pictures have to do with club penguin? (oh yeah i've been there too—not really)

  25. i live in hawaii. i have traveled to the US mainland, Canada, Fiji, and Peru. your trip looks like it was really fun, makes me want to go to Europe.

  26. i live in pensalvanya and i travel to texis almost ever year!!!!
    so boya.

    i rock u to later.
