Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009 New Year!

Are ya ready for 2009?! I am. I will start the 2009 countdown in a couple of hours. What are you doing for New Years Eve? I'am going to a New Years Partaay! Woot! I got to go pratice my dance moves ;-D

Dancing Penguin!

Click here to post a comment and tell me what your doing to celebrate the new year!

-Cena12121, Team Club Penguin Cheats President
TCPC: Club Penguin Cheats and More!


  1. Cena!

    I am having an awesome party at my house!

    ALSO, I bought ALL of the Club Penguin Series 2 Plushes! You can use the pictures I took if you want, just please give credit to me.

  2. We are going to a party called ads it will be vevry fun to.

  3. Hey Nike, did you buy RockHopper book??? Answer back by private messaging me on YouTube, on my user: therangepur

  4. I am also going to a party!
    We are going to dance and watch a movie and eat different foods from all over the world!

  5. Nice happy feet animation!

  6. Woah! CENA! You must have a fun time there! The penguin is so adorable!

  7. well new years eve was finished for me over 12 hours ago and it was awsome because my grandparents have a gigantic unit about less than a kilomiture from the firworks on the harbor next to the pools and rockpools we had in wollongong in australia and the fireworks were awsome and so were the rides and flashy and glowing stuff plus there was alot of food and games happy new year everyone!!!

  8. im goin back to my hometown while my partner's going to Rome/Italy!! Woots!!

  9. im having a party at my house i cant believe its 2009!!!!!!

  10. Lol, the Penguin is so Adorable!! Besides, Happy New Year!!

  11. i have stowaway book! ask a question and ill answer it!!

  12. I went to a chinese buffet.

  13. I am gonna sleep all day on the 30th so on new years like always i wake up at 6:00 am and I go to sleep at normal time on the first one whole night without sleeping. Its my tradition

  14. hi im wally 509 and im haveing trouble with a mission i think its mission 8 can u help me
    ineed help with the pipes

  15. I am doing an awesome party at my igloo and hoping that u and MIMNO can come! I am keeping my fingers crossed for both of you to come and u inviting all ur buddies too! i invited all of mine coz were celebrating my birthday on FEB 12!
    PS i know what party is on feb 2008 as said on the notice! i have all the info!

  16. I am going to a huge PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
