Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Exclusive Member Party Coming Soon!

Hey guys! Pixie676 here. There is a member party coming to Club Penguin! It will happen on January 15-18th. Here is what Club Penguin Moderator, Billybob, had to say about the party, "It's more than just a party--wait till you see what else the team has planned. I don't want to say too much but I can tell you that some of the items in the new Penguin Style catalog will come in very handy."

Here is a sneaky peek for the member party. Can you figure out what it is?
And yes, the party is for Club Penguin Members ONLY! :-( Oh well, I hope I become a member in time of the party. Ok, I gotta go start begging my parents for a membership.

-Pixie676, Team Club Penguin Cheats Member
TCPC: Club Penguin Cheats and More!

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  1. my membership expires on the 20th so i am going to go to the party!

  2. Hmmm. . . the sneak peek might be a Member Fiesta Party. What do you think it is?

  3. i know wat the pic is!!!!!!!!! its par of a penguin and a musical note!

  4. ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
    i think ummmmmmmmm ummmm it is ummm
    a music ummmmm party

  5. looks like graffiti... are some kind of art thingymabob

  6. I think it is a musical member party and also it will involve danceing.
