Here's how to find the new hidden items in the Better Igloos catalog.
To find the Disco Ball, go to page 2 and click on the Electric Guitar Shadow Box.
To find the White Puffle Poster, go to page 7 and click on the word "Puffle".
To find the Ice Table, go to page 9 and click on the Kio Pond.
To find the Aquarium, go to page 14 and click on the Pinata.
To find the Welcome Mat, go to page 16 and click on the Velvet Rope.
To find the Green Birdhouse, go to page 17 and click on the Snow Castle.
With all the talk about new white puffles and all that I thought I should mention... If you go to the Dojo, on the outside of the building on the roof is a carved white puffle with no face. There is also a wooden looking brown one above it.
ReplyDeletehey cena idk how to do the blogroll thing so i can get more visitors. and one more thing i kinda copied off ur site im really sorry im really really sorry!!!!!!!!! just please dont bann it i will delete the things i copied when u tell me to delete it or i will put that all credit goes to ur site please dont bann it i worked so hard on it.
ReplyDeleteand can u tell me how to do the blogroll thing and meet me on cp as soon as u get a chance to i might not be on cp then cuz i didnt go to school
ReplyDeletehey cena12121,
ReplyDeletethere's a porthole box that i don't know how to get. my friend has it but i don't. do you know how to get it?
(p.s. ive never been posted so please please post)
ReplyDeletethanks for all your cheats but do u hav one for tipping the ice berg and alot of money if you do tell me my user is Jackson 02
i think the nonmembers should have more credit but not as much as the members because they are part of cp and i am a memeber:]
ReplyDeleteThe porthole box is gone, amb81
ReplyDeleteu should have a upgrade igloo catalog page! cuz i could tellu where a hidden igloo iz!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi thanks for the cheats because ive been wanting the ice table for ever