Friday, January 8, 2010

Brand New Club Penguin Postcards!

There are new postcards, and many old faces that are now in the Penguin Mail! There are so many awesome new ones! They got great designs, pictures, and colors!

Cool Name Postcard postcard:

Awesome Outfit postcard:

I Like Your Outfit postcard:

New Igloo Party postcard:

Fairy Fables postcard:

My Tour postcard:

Ice Hockey postcard:

Ice Rink postcard:

Stage postcard:

COOL, right?! Post a comment and make sure to let me know which one is your favorite!



  1. hey cena if you dance while using the fire ninja suit fire balls will come out your hands

  2. Some of those postcards are old ike the Stage postcard but whateva :)

  3. Wow
    Great job!
    Umm I had a question what template did you use? because I really like it and I would like to use it for my recipe website

  4. I think the cool name 1 is the best and cenacle pls add me
