Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Club Penguin Reviewed By You!

Last week, Club Penguin wanted to know what you think the ultimate furniture item would be. Their favorite comment was by Yodalaheehoo . They said...
The ultimate furniture item would be a flying carpet!!!! When you walk over it, it would rise up and fly around your igloo! That would be so awesome!!!!!! And you could pick the color and pattern!!! Haha- A penguin can dream of flying in the own comfort of its home, can't it? You rock Club Penguin! Waddle on!
Thanks, Yodalaheehoo!

Here's the new Reviewed By You question:

Club Penguin wants to know what your favorite way to help out when something like this happens on the island?!

To answer this Reviewed By You question, Click Here.



  1. There will be an Orange Puffle. I saw it on Chridog's Website. (I think you are an author) I also saw it on another website!
