Monday, July 26, 2010

New Club Penguin Coin Message!

Look at the new coin message on Club Penguin:

When you're done playing a game, it will now tell you...
  • How many coins you earned (Of coarse)
  • Your total amount of coins
  • How many stamps you collected
  • Your percentage of collecting all the stamps for the game
Nice new upgrade Club Penguin!

To learn more about stamps, click here to go to my Stamp Book tutorial.



  1. When you get all the stamps of a game and you finsh that game after getting the last stamp,youll get double the coins :D

  2. Yeah, I played Ice Fishing, and just noticed the new coin screen.

  3. By my experince.. You get Double the Coins on any game you get all the stamps on ;D

  4. Terrible!
    This update caused all of the games (in which you receive stamps) partly member! If you're a free player, you can only do 10 Thin Ice levels, the Freestyle and Surf Lesson modes on Catchin' Waves, the first 5 levels of Astro Barrier, and 1 of the 5 Jet Pack Adventure levels. CP will never be the same again.

  5. Cena! I just found out something HUGE!!! If you get all the stamps in one of the games, every time you play you'll earn TWICE as many coins!! You got to check it out!

  6. when i flicked the switch my phone didn't turn green. any help?

  7. cool cena. i suck at aqua grabber though!-redrules6078
    P.S. sorry i couldnt make ur party

  8. the new cp is totally unfair you have to be a member to play the games so the games i like i wont be able to play :(
    old cp will be missed real bad
