Thursday, October 28, 2010

Club Penguin Dark Chamber Cheats!

Here's how to go through the Dark Camber:

Getting There: Go to the Forest and enter the Dark Camber pathway.

Step 1. Remember the different colors of smoke, then play the colors in order on the piano.

Step 2. Find your way through the maze. Pick up a Storm Lantern for help.

...but a better way of doing this is to wear your Night Goggles! They light everything up!

You've finished!

Get the free Pile O' Candy furniture item!

Don't forget about the "Monster Maker" catalog!

Click here for Halloween Party cheats.
Click here for Candy Hunt cheats.
Click here for Gary tracker.



  1. first comment
    awesome thanks cena!

  2. umm there is a pumkin bucket and how do you get it?

  3. I found out that you could use the "night vision goggles" before you updated this.

  4. tonight i dont go trick or treating cause i already tricked or treated i live in australia

  5. CENA i know another cp dark chamber cheat when you have to play that piano sequence thing, there is a button on the tree to the left that automaticly opens the door

  6. the next field op is at the epf hQ
    next to the tube transport and the epf is gonna explode next week oh bad oh bad oh bad

  7. thanks did it got every thing in the catalog in the zombie place
