Wednesday, October 12, 2011

FREE Club Penguin Code: Pumpkin Head!

There's a new code floating around that can give you a free Pumpkin Head!

To get it, go to Unlock Items Online, and enter this code: "PUMPKIN1".

Congrats, you've unlocked the Pumpkin Head!

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For Club Penguin book code cheats, click here.



  1. That Pumplin Head looks sooo cool! I wonder what Cena would look like if he were to wear it xD

  2. Thank you for code
    P.S First! :D

  3. Thanks Cena!
    I really wanted a pumpkin head and you helped me get it!
    I love your blog and I hope to see you on Cp!

  4. Thanks Cena!
    I really wanted a pumpkin head and you helped me get it!
    I love your blog and I hope to see you on Cp!
