Saturday, October 22, 2011

Club Penguin Halloween Party 2011: Ghost Scavenger Hunt Cheats!

This year, instead of having a Halloween candy hunt, Club Penguin decided to have a ghost hunt! Here are the 2011 "Candy Ghost" hunt cheats!

Click on the ghost book to keep track of your items.

To find the first ghost:

Step 1. Go to the Cove.
Step 2. Click green candy, then the orange ghost.

To find the second ghost:

Step 1. Go to the Haunted House Entrance.
Step 2. Click on aqua ghost.

To find the third ghost:

Step 1. Go to the Mine Shack.
Step 2. Click green candy, then the pink ghost.

To find the fourth ghost:

Step 1. Go to the Ski Village.
Step 2. Click green candy, then the green ghost.

To find the fifth ghost:

Step 1. Go to the Ski Hill.
Step 2. Click green candy, then the blue ghost.

To find the sixth ghost:

Step 1. Go to the Forest.
Step 2. Click green candy, then the purple ghost.

To find the seventh ghost:

Step 1. Go to the Beach.
Step 2. Click green candy, then the yellow ghost.

To find the eighth ghost:

Step 1. Go to the Dock.
Step 2. Click green candy, then the red ghost.

Congratulations! You've found all of the hidden candy ghosts! Now, get your free prize!

Step 1. Click on the ghost book button.

Step 2. Click "Claim Your Prize".

You now have the "Candy Ghost" background!

Click here for Halloween Party cheats.
Click here for Dark Chamber cheats.
Click here for Gary tracker.


1 comment:

  1. klutzy is by the light house on the homepage cena :-)
