Sunday, October 2, 2011

Nonmembers Enter Club Penguin Puffle Circus Cheat!

Nonmembers, you're going to love this cheat! You will be able to enter the Great Puffle Circus, for free!

To do this, log onto Club Penguin through this link:

After that, select your penguin and server, and wah-lah! You're automatically in the Great Puffle Circus.

If you want to go to the Great Puffle Circus Entrance room, log on through this link:

Have fun watching the puffles perform at the Circus, nonmembers. I even heard Rockhopper likes to go there a lot!

Click here for more Fair party cheats.



  1. Haha awesome! I'll be sure to tell my friend about this! Thanks so much for telling all of us!


  2. That is so cool! Thank you so much I always wanted to see the member only things, but I don't have enough money.
    This is the best! Thank you!!!

  3. Oh my gosh
    This is awesome
    Your the best site ever
    Such a shame that you can't get the prizes in the booth because your starting and you don't get to keep your tickets from your last game
    Thank you so much
    I've always wanted to go see a member thing
    You should have a app
    Thank you for tell everyone and me about this

  4. Dear Cena, Thank you, but when i go to this website, and i hit the play now button, it will load for a sec, but then the screen will turn white except for the top bar that has things like membership and log off. Please help me!! P.S. You rule

  5. the great puffle circus entrance works still, EXCEPT it takes you to the haunted house, and when you exit the haunted house you are in the member ninja hq room from the card jitsu party. Then when you exet that room you are in the forest or dock depending on the exit you take.

  6. this may nor work this is really old website i am test it out

  7. i no work aww man

  8. can we get any color puffle for free?
