Thursday, December 29, 2011

Club Penguin Candy Swirl Pin Cheat!

There's a new pin in Club Penguin! It's the Candy Swirl pin.

To find the Candy Swirl pin:

Step 1. Go to the Town and enter the Coffee Shop.
Step 2. Find and click on the Candy Swirl pin!



  1. Thanks Cena, i had some trouble finding the pin myself, lol ;D Cena, can you post what you got for christmas like last year, i got a new laptop :D what did you get. Waddle On Cena12121

    -Luigi Bro2

  2. Guess what I got for Christmas this year?
    I got these:
    1. Video Cam
    2. Clubpenguin membership
    3. Laptop
    4. Clubpenguin figures

    Cute penguin, Cena ^U^
