Thursday, January 5, 2012

Coins for Change 2011 RESULTS!

All the coins have been counted and the final decision has been made on how Club Penguin will donated 2 million dollars to three organizations: medical care, protecting the environment, and safe shelters.

$740,000 will be given to protect the environment!

$640,000 will be given for medical care!

... and $620,000 will be given to built safe schools and playgrounds.

And by the way, did I mention you guys donation 10.8 BILLION COINS! That's like...

Thanks to all the penguins who donated their coins. Every year when we waddle around the island of Club Penguin, we give back to the environment and kids in need.



  1. WOOOOO Thats the most coins ive seen in a long time. i like how were helping the needy for homes and medical services and protecting the Earth. Waddle On Cena12121!

    -Luigi Bro2

  2. That's amazing. Coin for Change is an amazing charity. Let's keep it up penguins!!

  3. i know a cheat
    go to your iggy then go far from the door click the door and as soon as you touch the door with your penguin click the edit igloo button (measureing tape)go to a member iggy and the go to the plaza and the names are gone and u cant see any speak bubbles

  4. Cena can u plz add me my name is Woddylan! I met you and said you rock my socks off!

  5. Hi Cena12121! Remember me from Jan. 9th? You guessed it (Well, maybe you did) from that epic CP Party with Businessmoose and one of my lines, "I WILL FOLLOW YOU FOREVER!!!!" Ya remember me now? I just wanted to ask...why didn't you add me. Or like the other penguins chasing you. But why didn't you add us? Just a hard feelings whatsoever.
    Waddle on!!!

    ~Cherrypepsi9 - Be Cool, Be Creative, Be Crazy?, Be Cherrypepsi - ~
