Thursday, January 19, 2012

Underwater Expedition 2012 Preparation!

If you head to the Beach, you'll see some construction going on for the Underwater Expedition. And look! The island is already slightly tipping!

Oh boy... I hope all penguins are prepared! The expedition starts January 26.

Click here for Underwater Expedition sneak peeks.



  1. You bet im ready for the next party, im SOOOO exited, i wanna party on club penguin with other users and look for some free prizes. I am getting my under water suit on cause this is gonna be awesome! I can't wait. Waddle On Cena12121!

    -Luigi Bro2

  2. I can't wait but what everyone's missing is how we will get the island back to normal! Could Herbert help?

  3. the beach has sunken even more!!!!
