Friday, February 17, 2012

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats February 2012!

Here are the new hidden item cheats for the new February 2012 Better Igloos catalog!

To find the Cavern Chair:

Step 1. Go to page 2.
Step 2. Click on the Swirling Vines.

To find the Tropical Palm:

Step 1. Go to page 3.
Step 2. Click on the ship's steering wheel.

To find the Steering Wheel:

Step 1. Go to page 4.
Step 2. Click on the ride side of the Violet Velvet Rope.

To find the Mannequin:

Step 1. Go to page 5.
Step 2. Click on the right side paper.

To find the Ancient Archway:

Step 1. Go to page 10.
Step 2. Click on the Treasure Chest.

To find the Bamboo Torch:

Step 1. Go to page 11.
Step 2. Click on the grill.

To find the Candy Cane:

Step 1. Go to page 13.
Step 2. Click on the Gingerbread Man's buttons.

To find the Log Bench:

Step 1. Go to page 14.
Step 2. Click on the word "Swirly".

To find the Log Chair:

Step 1. Go to page 14.
Step 2. Click on the top of the Gumdrop.

To find the Icicle Lights:

Step 1. Go to page 14.
Step 2. Click on the icing decoration.

To find the Holiday Lights:

Step 1. Go to page 15.
Step 2. Click on the top of the fireplace.

To find the Log Drawers:

Step 1. Go to page 15.
Step 2. Click on the Coins for Change logo.

To find the Holiday Bells:

Step 1. Go to page 16.
Step 2. Click on the left red candle.

To find the Holiday Tree Decoration:

Step 1. Go to page 16.
Step 2. Click on the word "Holiday".

To find the Presents:

Step 1. Go to page 16.
Step 2. Click on the coin below the stocking.

To find the Holiday Tree:

Step 1. Go to page 17.
Step 2. Click on the tip of the mountain.

To find the Leaning Tree:

Step 1. Go to page 17.
Step 2. Click on the hat.

To find the Wooden Reindeer:

Step 1. Go to page 17.
Step 2. Click on the mistletoe.

To find the Lamp Post:

Step 1. Go to page 18.
Step 2. Click on the blue bird.

To find the Ninja Cauldron:

Step 1. Go to page 19.
Step 2. Click on the brown penguin.

To find the Training Dummy:

Step 1. Go to page 19.
Step 2. Click on the word "Ninja".

To find the Modern Chair:

Step 1. Go to page 21.
Step 2. Click on the word "last".

To find the Modern Couch:

Step 1. Go to page 21.
Step 2. Click on the yellow lantern.

To find the Wall Clock:

Step 1. Go to page 23.
Step 2. Click on the bottom of the window.

To find the Green Birdhouse:

Step 1. Go to page 23.
Step 2. Click on the green chair.

To find the Blue Birdhouse:

Step 1. Go to page 24.
Step 2. Click on the bottom shelf.

For more Club Penguin catalog cheats, click here.



  1. :O These items are so nice, i think im gonna buy it all, if I have enough coins XD. Waddle On Cena12121!

    -Luigi Bro2

  2. i have unlimited coins XD i hate to see he look on your faces when you find out
