Thursday, April 12, 2012

Club Penguin Furniture Catalog Cheats April 2012!

Here are the new April 2012 Furniture catalog hidden item cheats!

To find the Desert Stones:

Step 1. Go to page 2.
Step 2. Click on the Jungle Fern.

To find the Garden:

Step 1. Go to page 3.
Step 2. Click on the blue clothe.

To find the Red Couch:

Step 1. Go to page 12.
Step 2. Click on the middle shelf.

To find the Easel:

Step 1. Go to page 13.
Step 2. Click on the sub.

To find the Potted Palm:

Step 1. Go to page 14.
Step 2. Click on the Evergreen Plant.

To find the Cavern Chair:

Step 1. Go to page 16.
Step 2. Click on the Swirling Vines.

To find the Tropical Palm:

Step 1. Go to page 17.
Step 2. Click on the ship's steering wheel.

To find the Steering Wheel:

Step 1. Go to page 18.
Step 2. Click on the ride side of the Violet Velvet Rope.

To find the Mannequin:

Step 1. Go to page 19.
Step 2. Click on the right side paper.

To find the Ancient Archway:

Step 1. Go to page 22.
Step 2. Click on the Treasure Chest.

To find the Bamboo Torch:

Step 1. Go to page 23.
Step 2. Click on the grill.

For more Club Penguin catalog cheats, click here.



  1. I love this website for my catalog cheats!!! thanks for making this website!!!

  2. This is rubish u have have to be a member plz create tips where u dont have to be a member. plz add me as a friendmy username is madmoshi1

  3. WOW these cheats actually work. Everyone you have to try these. i was surprised how up to date they are! Waddle on CP CHEATS!!!
