Thursday, June 14, 2012

Club Penguin Marvel Super Hero Takeover Party Cheats!

SUPER HERO OR SUPER VILLAIN. WHAT SIDE ARE YOU? -- That's the question you get asked when you log in for the brand new Club Penguin Marvel Super Hero Takeover party!

If you chose hero, your penguin gets an orange circle.

If you chose villain, your penguin gets an black circle.

Head to the redesigned Gift Shop to see the two new catalogs.

This is the Marvel Costumes catalog. Over 15 new costumes!

This is the "Items For Everyone" catalog. Yup, nonmembers can buy anything from this catalog!

Take a look at the Town. Here you'll find entrances to the Villain's and Hero's lairs.

Super Hero's room:

Super Village's room:

Fire happening at the Snow Forts! Enter this building...

...and there's a battle happening against the Destructobot! There's a countdown to tell you when the next battle starts.

When the Destructobot comes out, Super Heroes can throw snowballs at the targets and into the bowl to destroy him.

Villains can get in the Destructobot and click the laser to fight back.

Check out the Plaza.

The Stage has been turned into a Police Station / Jail!

Click the camera to get the Mug Shot background.

The Pizza Parlor has been turned into a Bank!

Get the free Money Bag.

Go to the Coffee Shop and click the camera to get the free Press Conference background.

Check out the Ice Berg! You can "destroy" the island! Haha!



  1. This party is so awesome. Thanks for the cheats Cena!

  2. charlie28879/coltin13June 15, 2012 at 2:02 PM

    this is so awsome thanks cena you help me out alot

  3. If you throw the snowballs into the bucket the robot regains power, but otherwise a great guide! Keep it up!

  4. Cena12121, Your B0$$

  5. Dude, u seriously made the effort of making this post on Spanish AND English Server!! I could see the Policia Sign, instead of Police.

  6. you are awesome Cena12121! I get all my cheats from you

  7. Best cheat site ever.
