Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Club Penguin Field-Ops Cheats - Mission 97!

Here are the Club Penguin cheats for the new Field-Ops mission #97 for Thursday, August 30, 2012:

Step 1. Go the Command Room and accept the Field-Op.

Step 2. Go to the Snow Forts, then enter the top of the temple and walk to the lava pond.

Step 3. Puzzle found! You need to crack the lock. To do this, listen and look for the white boxes. Then when the empty lock comes your way, repeat and duplicate the pattern by pressing the space bar.

You've finished the Field-Op mission! Here's your medal!

With these medals, you can buy Elite Gear! Each item is worth a certain amount of medals.

Visit us next week for the new Field-Ops cheats!


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