Saturday, February 16, 2013

Club Penguin Hollywood Party 2013 Cheats!

Get your fanciest clothes out, because the Hollywood party has begun!

In the Snow Forts you will see three stages: Stage A, B, C.

There are challenges in each stage. To start, click on your booklet.

The first page is members only. Here you can get the "Film Script" and complete tasks.

Click on the blue tab to see the non-members page. Here you can get the "Digital Camera" and complete tasks.

Members: Completing your task is really simply. Just go to a stage and dance in all three spots to earn a prize.

Nonmembers and members: Wear the Digital Camera and take pictures (by throwing a snowball) of "super star" penguins. They will have a gold circle around them. You have to take many many many pictures to get all the prizes, so keep snapping!

Also, check out the clothes booth at the Snow Forts to pick up cool costumes.

This is a pretty star-studded party! Has anyone been in the party limo bus? lol it's my favorite!



  1. Hey Guys! I'm having a party tommorow at 9:12 Clubpenguin Time! On server sleet! Hope you can make it!

  2. Hey guys, im having a party in the snow forts, on server sleet, at 912 clubpenguin time! - Pnutdoodle

  3. plz friend me cena i sent u a friend request its Wedgie32252
