Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas with the UK Club Penguin Team: FREE 500 COINS!

Club Penguin has uploaded 3 videos in the past three days which I personally think is awesome considering whenever Club Penguin makes a video it is usually always mind blowing! Today, Club Penguin uploaded another video on their YouTube channel about Christmas.

Did you notice at the end of the video there was an image? If you click the image it'll redirect you to Disney UK's official website. Scroll down and on the right you should see the exact same image we saw in the video. Click on any present and...

Aw! We were unlucky and there was coal in the present we chose. Oh well, let's try again!

Woohoo! This is totally awesome. Club Penguin & Disney UK just gave us a code to unlock 500 coins with. I am definitely going to donate my coins to Coins For Change because I absolutely love the feeling of helping others. What are you going to spend your coins on? Make sure to drop a comment and let us know!


1 comment:

  1. Cool! The funny thing is, I'm a nonmember, and all of my coins have built up (and up) and now I have 60,000+ coins. I'm donating half of to to Coins for Change!
