Thursday, January 23, 2014

Club Penguin Prehistoric Party 2014 Cheats!

Penguins can now travel back in time as the 2014 Club Penguin Prehistoric Party has begun! Once you first log in you'll see Gary.

It seems that Ooga Ooga has found Dino Eggs and we must save them. Click teleport to go to Ooga Ooga.

Go to a dino nest to dig for dino eggs and dino puffle eggs.

Collect all eggs to win different prizes!

If members find a dino egg, you can click on the egg and transform into a dino!

If members find a dino puffle egg, you can hatch the egg and adopt the dino puffle! Go to the Volcano and heat heat your egg on a hotsport three times to hatch it.

Look how cute the new dino puffle looks!

To go back to present Club Penguin island, just enter the Time Trekker.

Those dino puffles look awesome! Who has adopted one yet?



  1. To go back to the 2013 Club Penguin island, just enter the Time Trekker.
    *2014 Club Penguin island

    The left door takes you to year 2013.
    *to the year 2014.

    Just to tell you!
    -Cool9194 (Username on CP)

    1. why i go to the left door there's still ooga ooga's reply

  2. Lol there is a glitch where you can be non member dino.If anyone knows add me plz im little sushy.
