Thursday, March 6, 2014

Club Penguin March 2014 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats!

Club Penguin has realesed the new Penguin Style catalog! Here are the new hidden items cheats for the March 2014 issue of the Penguin Style catalog.

To find the Jetsetter: 

Step 1. Go to page 5.
Step 2. Click on the gray wall behind the purple penguin.

To find the Getaway: 

Step 1. Go to page 6.
Step 2. Click on the Shiny Slippers.

To find the Resort Brochure: 

Step 1. Go to page 7.
Step 2. Click on the Resort Brochure in the green penguin's hand.

To find the Red Viking Helmet:

Step 1. Go to page 20.
Step 2. Click on the purple penguin's hand.

To find the Blue Viking Helmet:

Step 1. Go to page 20.
Step 2. Open and close the Red Viking Helmet four times.

To find the Popcorn:

Step 1. Go to page 8.
Step 2. Click on the puffle belt buckle

To find the Telescope:

Step 1.
Go to page 10.
Step 2. Click on the dark blue pixels circled below.

To find the Treasure Maps:

Step 1. Go to page 13.
Step 2. Click on the water.

Some awesome new cheats in this catalog, don't you think? Too bad most of them are girl wigs, haha!

—Formal Dude

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