Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Club Penguin Aqua Grabber Cheats, Tips & Secrets!

Club Penguin Aqua Grabber Cheats

Explore the deep waters of Club Penguin with the Aqua Grabber game! Find the treasures in the Clam Waters or Soda Seas level. Here are our Aqua Grabber cheats and tips to help you master the game!

Where is the Aqua Grabber game?

Aqua Grabber Cheats

You can play Aqua Grabber by going to the Iceberg. In the Iceberg, click on the Aqua Grabber submarine to start the game.

How do I play Aqua Grabber?

Aqua Grabber Directions
  • Navigate the waters with your arrow keys.
  • Press the spacebar to control your claw.
  • Collect bubbles to gather air in order to play longer.

Aqua Grabber Levels Explained

Aqua Grabber Level Cheats

Aqua Grabber has two levels: Clam Waters and Soda Seas (Soda Seas is members only). You can play each level in five different modes:
  • Find the main treasure.
  • Find the rare treasure.
  • Finish without losing a sub.
  • Time trial.
  • Compressed air mode.

Aqua Grabber Clam Waters Cheats

Aqua Grabber Clam Water Cheats

Clam Waters: Finding the Main Treasure

Aqua Grabber Pearl Cheats

The "main treasure" are pearls that you must collect from the blue clams. To do this, hover above a clam until it falls asleep and opens its mouth so you can grab the pearl. There are five pearls you need to collect.

Clam Waters: Finding the Black Pearl

Aqua Grabber Black Pearl Cheats

One of the pearls is going to be a special black pearl which earns you a stamp and bonus coins.

Clam Waters: Finding the Rare Treasure

Aqua Grabber Clam Waters Rare Treasure Cheats

The "rare treasure" in the Clam Waters level is going to be the Grand Pearl. Follow these steps to college the rare Grand Pearl:

Step 1. You must first collect the first five small pearls.
Step 2. Go to the bottom of the ocean and enter the tunnel.

Aqua Grabber Clam Waters Rare Treasure Cheats

Step 3. Go the right side and collect the black rock.

Aqua Grabber Clam Waters Rare Treasure Cheats

Step 4. Take the black rock over to the left side and drop it in the big clam's mouth.

Aqua Grabber Clam Waters Rare Treasure Cheats

Step 5. Now take the Grand Pearl and go up the tunnel. Wait for the Mullet to move to the right.

Aqua Grabber Clam Waters Rare Treasure Cheats

Step 6. Continue going up, avoiding the small fish, then drop the Grand Pearl in the net.

Aqua Grabber Clam Waters Rare Treasure Cheats

Clam Waters: Completing Time Trial Mode

Aqua Grabber Clam Waters Time Trial Cheats

To complete the Time Trial mode and earn the stamp in the Clam Waters level, you must collect the Grand Pearl before the clock runs out of time. Do not worry about the 5 small pearls, only collect the big Grand Pearl to complete this task. Move fast and avoid hitting objects!

Clam Waters: Completing Compressed Air Mode

Aqua Grabber Clam Waters Compressed Air Mode Cheats

In Compressed Air Mode, you must collect the Grand Pearl without hitting any object. If you hit anything, like a rock or fish, you lose. To make it harder, in this level your submarine will go much faster. You must be very light on your keystrokes and move smoothly. You can use as much time as you need, so go cautious and slow!

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Cheats

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Cheats

Soda Seas: Finding the Main Treasure (Amethyst Gem)

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Cheats

The "main treasure" in Soda Seas is the Amethyst gem. Here's how to find and collect the Amethyst treasure:

Step 1. You first must find all five cream soda barrels and take them to the net to remove them. Once you've collected all five barrels, the water will clear up.

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Cheats

Step 2. Go to the bottom, and enter the tunnel which the big air bubbles come out of.

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Cheats

Step 3. First get past the small puffer fish.

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Cheats

Step 4. Then you must get past a even bigger puff. When it sucks in the water, you will move towards it, and when it blows out, you will move away. You must go up and around to find the next tunnel which is under it.

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Cheats
Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Cheats

Step 5. The Amethyst treasure is located here! Collect it, get some air, and be very cautious when leaving the tunnel.

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Cheats
Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Cheats

Soda Seas: Finding the Rare Treasure (Diamond)

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Rare Treasure Cheats

The "rare treasure" in the Soda Seas level is the rare Diamond. Getting it is tricky, so follow these steps carefully to find the rare Diamond:

Step 1. First you must have removed all five cream soda barrels out of the water.
Step 2. Go to the tunnel which is on the left side of the ocean. Jump your submarine up and hit the rocks so a worm would drop out. Collect the worm bait.

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Worm Cheats
Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Worm Cheats

Step 3. Using the worm bait, collect a yellow fish.

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Cheats

Step 4. Take the yellow fish to the tunnel in to the bottom right of the ocean and go up to find the Mullet. Use your yellow fish to catch the Mullet. Once it's caught, you can release it.

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Cheats

Step 5. Now that the Mullet is out of your way, you can enter the tunnel. Go down till you see the gold and the crab. DO NOT COLLECT THE COINS! Wait for the crab to take all of his coins.

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Cheats

Step 6. The crab will thank you, and give you the rare Diamond treasure!

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Main Treasure Cheats

Soda Seas: Completing Time Trial Mode

Aqua Grabber Soda Seas Time Trial Cheats

To complete the Time Trial mode and earn the stamp in the Soda Seas level, you must only collect the Amethyst Gem before the clock runs out of time.

Soda Seas: Completing Compressed Air Mode

Aqua Grabber Clam Waters Compressed Air Mode Cheats

In Compressed Air Mode, you must collect the Amethyst Gem without hitting any object. If you hit anything, like a rock or fish, you lose. In this level, your submarine will go much faster, so you must be very light on your keystrokes and move smoothly. You can use as much time as you need, so go cautious and slow!

Pink Puffles in Aqua Grabber

Aqua Grabber Pink Puffle Cheats

You can bring your Pink Puffle with you into the Aqua Grabber game! Pink Puffles will swim with you around your submarine as you play. Best of all, Pink Puffles help you to collect bubbles and give you extra time!

Find the Squid in Aqua Grabber Cheat

Aqua Grabber Find the Squid Cheats

To get the Squid Spotter stamp, you must find and see the squid in the game. The squid appears randomly in the deep water, and there is no cheat to make him appear. Just play the game repetitively in either levels and the squid will appear sooner or later.

Capture the Crab's Treasure in Aqua Grabber Cheat

Aqua Grabber Capture Crab's Coins Cheats

To get the Crab's Treasure stamp, you must find the stash of gold in Soda Seas level. I have directions above to find the gold. Once you see them, immediately start grabbing the pile fast until you get all the coins. Do not let the crab take any away! He will grab a coin, you must take it from his claw in order to succeed.

Catch the Mullet in Aqua Grabber Cheat

Aqua Grabber Capture Mullet Cheats

To get the Capture Mullet stamp, you must find and catch the Mullet and return it to your net in Soda Seas level. Get the worm bait, then use that to catch the yellow fish, then use the fish to catch the Mullet! Avoid hitting objects and move fast.

Have you completed all Aqua Grabber challenges and earned all the stamps? I have! What was the hardest part?



  1. I still cant get the fish to the mullet or worm to the fish without hitting something. Got any tips?

    1. wait for the fish to get totally out of your way and slowly and carefully make your way to an area u know the fish goes then get him and slowly travel to the mullet float in the water as close as possible to the mullet and he will eat it
