Friday, November 13, 2015

Cena12121 Abducted by Aliens on Club Penguin?!

Club Penguin Aliens

NOW THIS IS WEIRD! I was online at the Town, when a green beam of light shined down on my penguin! Before I knew it, I was transported to some sort of UFO ship, which I managed to take a picture of!

A few seconds later, I was transported back to the island. However, I was wearing this odd tin-foil hat!

Club Penguin Aliens

Has this happened to anyone else - or have you seen this mysterious green light? I wonder who or what this is, and why I was given this hat.

Can anyone find any clues from the spacecraft? The only thing I notice is that the hat strangely looks like Klutzy's eyes... lol. Keep an eye out guys, and post a comment if you see anything strange!



  1. i've seen other players with it but every time I say 'how do u get to the UFO' they dispear. but let me ask u a thing long were u at the town for?Kkflynn out.

  2. If you see the space ship in the a window it forms a puffle with one eye

  3. it captured me to and that cap is one that outfits

  4. Someone got abducted at the cove

  5. I saw the green light take someone else! I read about the tin foil hats in the newspaper and started walking around looking for it and it just suddenly appeared on my head

  6. I never knew you were a non-member now!

  7. omg this is the exact same thing that happened to me yesterday, except it was next to the extreme paint fest sign
    you can access the ufo place by entering Area 501 via the entrance at the paint fest and walking onto the platform where the green light is, then go to the observatory

  8. This is the exact same thing that happened to me yesterday, except near the extreme paint fest sign
    Now you can access that place by going to the extreme paint fest place and entering the big Area 501 entrance, then go to the podium where the green light shines, then go to the observatory

  9. This is the exact same thing that happened to me yesterday, except near the extreme paint fest sign
    Now you can access that place by going to the extreme paint fest place and entering the big Area 501 entrance, then go to the podium where the green light shines, then go to the observatory

  10. i saw herbert and kultzy planing a scheme

  11. this happend to all my friends but me and it strangly happend to all my puffles

  12. i just got aducted and put in the tin foil hat! i was walking along the beach going in the map when i heard a noise. so i cloused the map and a beam of light carried me and put me in that tin hat. i need to know why that's happening too.


  13. My name is Thunderbecca I am a penguin on Club Penguin and I got ubducted in the forest at 12:02

  14. 5:58 Fri. Got Abducted at the cove!

  15. I was abudcted too. I was chaing my penguins outfit and i saw a green light comming down and exited out. Next thing I new I was in that same room.
