Monday, November 5, 2007

Club Penguin Mission 5 Cheats - "Secret of The Fur" Walkthrough!

Club Penguin Mission 5 Cheats and Walkthrough

This is our Club Penguin Missions 5 cheat guide for the "Secret of The Fur." This Mission 5 walkthrough has step-by-step instructions and plenty of pictures for how to do Mission 5!

1. First, talk to "G" for a while and he will tell you about the Furensic Analyzer 3000 and he will ask you to fix it. Tell him that you can fix it.

2. Click on your Spy Phone. Then get your Comb out. Use the Comb to get the Pink Puffle Fur out of the Furensic Analyzer 3000.

3. The machine will analyze the Puffle Fur.

4. Talk to G again. He will give you the old White Fur. Analyze it in the machine.

5. Then, when it analyzes the fur, it will say that it did not match but it tells you the stains

6. Click on the Map in the Upper-Left Corner. Go to the Pizza Parlor (its in the Plaza) and talk to the Penguin that works there.

7. Ask if you can use some of the Ingredient as Evidence.

8. Put a Bottle of hot sauce and chocolate sauce in your inventory. And while doing that, also get a candle off one of the dining tables

9. Talk to the penguin again, get the pizza box off the counter, and give it to the penguin that is Ice Fishing at the back of the Ski Lodge (go to the Ski Village, then into the Lodge, then into the Door that says ‘Ice Fishing’).
10. Go to the coffee shop (in the town) and talk to the penguin.

11. He will talk for a while, then he will show you a drawing about what he saw.

12. Talk to him again about hot chocolate, and he will say the machine is broken. Ask if you to fix it. Then, click on the Coffee machine behind the penguin.

13. Put the mug under the hot chocolate drain and use the wrench (in your spy phone) to fix the milk hose on the left. Put chocolate sauce (from your bottle) in the bowl at the top.

14. Click the Knob on the right to change it from ‘Cold’ to ‘Hot’. Now, Push the button to get hot chocolate. Pick up the Mug (filled with hot chocolate) and put it in your inventory.

15. Go to the gadget room in the HQ (teleport to the HQ using your spy phone) and get the AC1000 (its a fan) and put it into your inventory.

16. Go to the Lighthouse beacon (go to the Beach, then go into the Lighthouse, talk to the penguins, then go upstairs). Walk all the way right until you see the Jet Pack Fuel floating in the air with the balloon. Click on the AC1000 to get the fuel and then cut the string that’s holding the balloon with your scissors (spy phone)

17. Then go to the Gadget Room again and talk to G.

18. Tell G you have all the items and pour each into Goggles Funnel. (Pour the fuel, then the hot sauce, and then the Cup of Hot Chocolate)

19. Once you pour in the substances, pick up the goggles and go inside the lighthouse.

20. Pick up the rope that is in the red boat.

21. Go outside the lighthouse and get the Net (that’s next to the tray of fish)

22. Put the rope and net together to get a Trap (do this is your inventory).

23. Go to where the penguin was Ice Fishing.

24. Put down the Trap on the Tree Branch. Put the candle down on the Trap as bait.

25. A crab will get caught in the trap and the mysterious animal will run away. A white tuft of fur will be left behind.

26. Pick up the crab and the white fur and take it to G in the Gadget Room.

27. Talk to G and then give him the Crab.

28. Talk to him again and then Analyze the white fur (put it into the slot on the left of the machine) and you will find out its a Polar Bear!
Now you have Finished the Mission 5, 'Secret of The Fur'! You will get a medal and a pizza as a Gift!
For more Club Penguin mission cheats, click here.



  1. HEY! thanx for the Cheat! I THOUGHT THAT I WOULD NEVER FINISH THE NEW MISSON! your site...... ROCKS!!! I really really want to meat Cena12121 and Hbk2497! they are soooo famous!!!

    Thanx again!

  2. cool. Thanz for telling us

  3. The award is soo cool becuase you get a pizza! i love pizzas!

  4. This is the best Mission Yet!

  5. Yea! It is the best Mission yet!

  6. I WANT TO MEET CENA12121 AND HBK2497 TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Omg thank you for posting this cheat!!! I had figured it out before I found this site, but I didn't get the pizza! Thanx for the GREAT cheat and the GREAT site!

    l8r, snikersgal

  8. Thanks Snickersgal!

    We are happy to know that we helped you!

    -Cena12121 (T.C.P.C. President)

  9. you rock man!!!!!!!!!

  10. Oh my goodness!!! thank you sooo much for all you do to help!!! i <3 this site!! i will always use it!!!! thanks again!!

  11. tnx soooooooooooooooooo much.
    it really helped me.
    i dont no how u figured it all out.
    tnx tnx tnx tnx tnx tnx
    really i mean it

  12. HEY! thanx for the Cheat! but why the fishing dude is not going away?

  13. ace that helped me alot and now ive completed them all so thanks very much again it was an easy and exciting way to cheat my way through the best game ever so thank you for the last time

  14. this sooo helped me thanks soo much xxx

  15. i love these cheats the are grrrrrreat

  16. i got the mission complete thank you for your time and the hard work

  17. merci j'ai fini ma mission 5 maintenant !!!!

  18. thanks alot for your help how do you unlock missions anyway?


  20. Thanks soooo much!!! I never would have finished it!!!!

  21. where do u get the candle?

  22. thx club penguin for helping me :P

  23. The first 10 times I did this mission(or so)-I didn't know what to do when you face the "creature" until I watched read a walkthrough. I also know the route of what the creature did so I like 2 do that each time I play the mission(I also do the "Thingamajig 3000" each time I play "Case of Missing Coins-Veggie Villain".

  24. thnx sooooo muh... YUMMY PIZZA I'LL SHARE WITH YOU!!!!!


  26. mine said error when i was getting my prize

    1. how do u get a prize? Cause since I'm pretty new to club penguin,I don't know much cause i didn't get to play until I turn 8 and now i'm 9 soo, yea. I dont know much about old CP but i know a little bit about it!

  27. i hate school anyone else
