Saturday, November 24, 2007

There is a Hidden Snow Globe in the Igloo Catalog!

Hello Penguins!

The T.C.P.C. Team have found a great Secret! The secret is that there is a Hidden Snow Globe in any of the Igloo Upgrades Catalog! But getting it is not that easy. Here is step by step instructions on how to get it:

1) Open your Igloo Upgrades Catalog.
2) Go to page two (2).
3) Click on the word "snow".

4) Go to page 11.
5) There are two words that say "snow".
6) Click on both words.

7) Now, go to page 16.
8) Click on the word "Snow".
9) Go to page 17.
10) On this page, there is two of the words "snow".
11) Click on both words.

12) You should now have clicked on the word "snow" six times.
13) Go to page 13.
14) Click on the Basic Igloo's window.

You now have the Secret Hidden Snow Globe! You can do this to any of the Igloo Update Catalog. Just find the word "snow" six times and then click on the Basic Igloo's Window!

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President

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