Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Cena12121 Activates His Club Penguin Membership!

This past year I got so held up with studying that I stop renewing my Club Penguin membership since I wasn't playing online very often. However summer is back which means I'm now freed up, so yesterday I reactivated my membership! I recorded it, check it out:

Free Club Penguin membershipThe best part is that I'm going to make some other people become members with me! That's right, this summer BestClubPenguinCheats.com is holding several free membership giveaways!

To have the most chances of winning:
  1. Follow me on Twitter.
  2. Like us on Facebook.
  3. Subscribe on YouTube.
Stay tuned for more info!



  1. Hi Cena! I'm Sajo8. I used to visit, your blog, but stopped. But now I'm back! Yay! And, can I please have a membership? I have subscribed to your channel. I know a lot of people see your blog, and I might not win. But I've tried in over 50 different things, aaand, never won. I only got a membership two times for one week, By Club Penguin support. Once for the Puffle Party, the other, I don't remember. So, bye and looking forward to everything!

  2. Hi Cena!
    My username on club penguin is Horses11515. I talked to you on Youtube, on this video. Yes, my channel is Jessica Mary.
    On Twitter my username is Saigeag, I followed you on Twitter! I really want membership! I'll do anything for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

