Saturday, July 5, 2014

Club Penguin Item Adders: Should You Use Them?

Club Penguin Item Adders

These past weeks there has been a lot of talk over Club Penguin item adders. If you don't know what item adders are, they are programs that can give you almost any Club Penguin item you want. Simply with your penguin name, password, and the ID of the item, you can get the ultra rare beta hat, old items from 2005, and virtually whatever you please. Now before you get too excited about these magical programs, the real question is: should you be using them?

According to Club Penguin rules... you cannot use item adders. They go against Club Penguin's "no cheating" policy, as item adders are third party programs which violate these terms. Once these rules are broken, you might face the risk of being banned.

Club Penguin Item Adder rules

Now you might be wondering, "well my friends are using them with no issues, the only thing they're worried about is stacking up all the rare items!" The only reason why people using Club Penguin item adders are not getting banned is because the programs are ahead of the Club Penguin team... but that won't last for long. There was a hole in the Club Penguin system, and someone managed to find this glitch and create these programs. But Club Penguin will find out a few days later. And in this case, they already have! Take a look at what Spike Hike tweeted:

Yup, sorry guys but the Club Penguin team is already on it. And some players who the used item adders are now finding their penguins banned! Club Penguin can easily see when you got an item, so if you got the Beta Hat last week, but it was released way back in 2005, you can get banned easily (plus they got more smart technology to find cheaters!). So in conclusion, you shouldn't risk using item adders, stamp adders, beta hat adders, or other programs like them. You might get lucky, but Club Penguin will catch up to you, just like they're doing now.

In other news, make sure to enter our free Club Penguin membership giveaway! The contest ends this Sunday!



  1. I don't think you should do it whether it is against the rules or not!
    There is nothing funny about cheating and it is not fair.

    1. You have a point, but there are some items we can't get anymore.
      I understand both views. But we do just want to add rare items to look cooler- the items nowadays look strange..
      I hope you understand.

    2. I believe that you shouldn't break the Club Penguin rules. But, I also think Club Penguin would find less people using the item adders if they actually let non members have some decent clothes to wear. Non Members feel left out, and want to look less plain. Therefore, they use the item adders. I, personally am a member, but when I was a non member I actually considered using the item adders, but when I read that you could get banned from breaking the rules, I started to have second thoughts. No Club Penguin, banned, what would I do? Create a new account most probably, but I decided not to risk getting banned, because my parents would be super disappointed and I would be grounded. Today I created a new CP account, and I was considering using a item adder, since my friends are, and have not yet been banned, but reading this post, I am not going to, and I am shaking thinking that this could have happened to ME! And my penguin looks pretty rad too, I have 1000 likes on my iggy, and 500 friends, I am not gonna risk being banned! Sorry I have said so much, it is mostly just blabber, but I am really pleased that I read this post, and scared too!

    3. I am also a member and I have a tip for members that don't want to make nonmembers feel left out(sorry I know it's totally off topic). My tip is: dress like nonmembers, walk your red and blue puffles around and, basically, just act like a nonmember. Keep your iggy small and cozy and be friends with lots of nonmembers. Hey, we're not better than anyone!


    1. why would u do that????? DONT USE ITEM ADDERS PPL


  4. were can I get items like the pink bunny(hand item) and the blue overalls, and queens crown?? ive been looking all over for them!

    1. sorry, they are impossible to get now, however u can still get the beta hat! they used to have it on mash, mash works now, u can get beta hat, red lei, etc pretty much non member things

  5. I agree. It's not fair for the actual people who earned them because they been with club penguin until now. If you were and or are those people you wouldn't be to happy about these adders.

  6. We should never use item adders beacause its not fair to the really old penguins!

  7. Your right!


  8. I added items that I missed e.g. 1st year party hat. I was there for the party but I didn't pick up that hat.(My Penguin was made in March 2006 btw)


  10. It is the FIRST ever item on Club Penguin. Its REALLY RARE.

  11. useful walkthrough
