Monday, August 18, 2014

Spike Hike Does The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!

Spike Hike from the Club Penguin team, aka Chris Heatherly, recently posted a video of himself doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge! For those who don't know, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has been a viral campaign to support the ALS Foundation and help raise awareness to those struggling with the disease.

Spike Hike ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
You must be nominated by someone, complete the challenge within 24 hours, then nominate three other people to complete it or donate money. Spike Hike has challenged Billybob, Rsnail, and Polo Field take on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge!

Woohoo, I can't wait to see that! I love how the Club Penguin team has joined to raise awareness for the ALS foundation!


1 comment:

  1. Also, he's hosting an ALS awareness party at 1:00 PM PST :)
    -007 Bond 50
