Thursday, December 18, 2014

Club Penguin Merry Walrus 2014 Party Cheats!

Club Penguin Merry Walrus 2014 Party

The holiday spirit has certainly spread through the Club Penguin island, as the 2014 Merry Walrus party has just begun! Login to be greeted by Merry Walrus himself, where he will tell you about Coins for Change and quests you can complete to help raise money!

Club Penguin Merry Walrus 2014 Party

Open the quest screen to get a free Merry Walrus hat. Also, take a look at the different challenges you can do. The first challenge is to decorate the tree, so click "Go There" and rapidly throw snowballs all over the tree to decorate it.

Club Penguin Merry Walrus 2014 Party

Once this challenge is completed, coins will be donated in your name to Coins for Change and you'll also be able to collect prizes.

Club Penguin Merry Walrus 2014 Party

Speaking of Coins for Change, go to a station to donate extra coins and earn the Coins for Change 2014 pin!

Club Penguin Merry Walrus 2014 Party
Club Penguin Merry Walrus 2014 Party

The more coins we donate the more projects we can unlock and help fund! Also login daily to complete new quests because new challenges will be unlocked everyday until December 21.



  1. I couldn't get the 2014 Coins for Change Pin even when I donated 50,000 coins!

  2. it adds the pin automatically, check ur inventory again
