Thursday, December 18, 2014

Club Penguin Merry Walrus Mystery Room Discovered!

The Merry Walrus party has just begun, but there already are some strange mysteries lingering around it. A very interesting room has been found which is not yet accessible on the island.

Its a gorgeous room, and the blue crystal rock is what catches the eye. That's why my only theory is linking it to the blue crystal puffle which will be released soon.

UPDATE: New pictures shows that Merry Walrus himself will be in this room. He says "Thanks for donating to Coins for Change! Take a special prize, Happy Merry Walrus!"

But is it more than that? What is the gift he's holding? And where even is this room located - its surrounded with water, and looks very similar to the Iceberg.

I found this interesting "Block" button in the file's SWF, which usually controls certain actions. What do you think it means?

And the sky -- its just like the sky from last year's Holiday party, but none of the current rooms for this year's Merry Walrus party have it expect for this strange mystery room.

Post comments with your best guesses! Thanks Freezepop, Koloway and FrozenFlash for the tips.
