Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Ninjas . . . Real?

Hello Penguins!

I'm sure that you heard the rumor "You can become a Ninja", Right? Well, you can not! This rumor has spread all over the Club Penguin island and don't believe the penguins that say you can. People think that because in Penguin Chat 3 (Old version of Club Penguin), you could become one. And if you click on the "N" on the Night Club Sign on the Club Penguin Header, the penguins turns into a Ninja! Also, if you think about it, the "N" stands for Ninja!

When we Email Club Penguin, this is what they said:

"Hello Cena12121,

Thank you for your question. At this time, ninjas have not been incorporated into Club Penguin. There have been many rumors circulating Club Penguin about them and the trick on the homepage can be misleading. Perhaps they will be included someday, but for now they do not exist. Club Penguin is always full of surprises, you never know what might happen down the road. We realize that ninjas are in high demand and we will consider your request for future development.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact us again.


Club Penguin Support"

So, they said that ninjas have not been created yet. But, I'm sure in the future, they will create ninjas!

Tell us what you think about this, by posting a comment!

-Cena12121 (Team Club Penguin Cheats President)



  2. Cena I found that penguin glitch.On the homepage.Its on my blog.But anyway I don't think you will believe this but when nobody was in the Dojo I saw a penguin dress up like a ninja.I forgot the ninja's username so I'll tell you more info soon?.

  3. Oh and ninja penguins in the future.I thinbk that was a test ninja penguin I saw.

  4. Cool! Thanks for letting us know!

  5. Cena I just saw him again.The username is "CP beta test"

  6. when is the tool bar coming out.

  7. Hey!

    Our FREE toolbar is coming out soon(Like next week). We have been working hard on it!

  8. Hey Tikihead12!

    Cool! You saw the Ninga again! Maybe Club Penguin is testing it? Who knows? Thanks for telling us!

  9. hey thats cool did u know when u click the penguin the outfit changes?

  10. Ninjas are real! I've seen about 3-4! NO LIE! If you haden't heard... Club Penugin lies to keep there secrets!

  11. ive seen like 7 ninjas one called ninja tore one called ManxMnx

  12. dude u know clubpenguin if u look in the lighthouse there is a shadow by the big wheel check it out and i saw a guy he had full ninja he said (dont look at me im not real) i clicked on him and it said cp "black ninja"black belt i blinked and i saw a name his name was wadles96 it was him i think maybe

  13. i realy think the story of ninjas is true but my story is different! here i went (i=qdmcdt) i went to the doja at night it was all black idn y? but i saw a blink in the doja i clicked everyewhere and it popped up and said (ninja black belt) no lie and kept poopping up in one sec lights were back on the names were wadles98,ninja dude,paintboy51,and rockhopper.no lie lol

  14. Waaa no way i've seen them too
    and the thing in the dojo worked I'm now a ninja (dont tell no one)

  15. go to the dojo on halloween and when lighting strikes you can see a niaja!!!!!!!!

  16. Well now when i play card jitsu we cant play to many people are in the dojo what will the moderators do?

  17. i have became a ninja so hah
