Saturday, February 23, 2008

Migrator Parts at the Beach!

New stuff has been added to the beach! They are the pieces of the Migrator that we collected in Aqua-Grabber! I think that Aqua-Grabber is going to be updated and we are going to find other missing parts of the Migrator and all the parts will be put here. Then, when we collected everything, we will start to build the Migrator! I can't wait!
-Cena12121 (T.C.P.C. President)


  1. Unfortuanletly I can't come, cos I have school! (groan). I think that we will rebuild the Migrator as a mini-game, but not one that will stay forever.

  2. Will you tell me on my blog. You can comment it, then I can get the information, and then I can delete the comment so nobody else knows!

  3. Hi. I hope we finish rockhoppers ship any day now. Oh! Cena you proboly don't know this but I am your friend on clubpenguin. I met you at one of mimo777's parties. I don't want to give you my name because I did this before and like a trillion people asked to be my friend and i can only have so many. If you want to find out who i am meet me today at 4:30 club penguin time at the pizza parlor at the server big foot. Hope to see ya there. When I see you I will send you a postcard to let you know I am there. Look to see who the postcard is from and look at everyone in the room when you see me see if we are friends.

    A true friend of yours

  4. That tells us everything that's in the game.

  5. plz tell mimos stuff plz

  6. Cena,

    I missed the Mimo party. Lukily I was your friend and saw you earilier. I had to do some things. I will try to attend the next one.


  7. Thanks for becoming my friend early on at the mimo party. Check out my site.


  8. hello! try to come to my party!
    its at 5:00 cpt
    its on the server freezer
    go to the mineshack
    try to wear blue plz!

  9. Your site is so cool!
    You are on my blogroll. Would you add me, too?
    - Chispy12

  10. hey i want to join my penguin is like 200 days old it is road rage7
    but how do i join your website? tell me plz :)

  11. Cena Can you do me a big Favor and Say my site on your site cause your like so famous!!!!!!!
    look at all the penguins on you.

  12. Cena12121,

    My site, Club Penguin Cheats INC had pictures been stolen. I don't know who to shut down thier sites. And how do you disable the right click. I need help before C.P.C.I is the #1 thief's turf!!!


  13. I was visiting some CP cheat site that had the right click disabled. Then when I went back to my site, my site had its right click disable. I don't know if the cookie has been mixed up or something. But I think Im safe now!


  14. Wait Cena,

    Now the right click is enabled.Nevermind. Please email me disable right click instructions.


  15. If you guys really are nice please go to my site because it's poor and i want to be famous!

  16. Cena,
    I suggest you help tikihead12! That's not good if people can copy your site. I have a site too. It's dedicated to Harry Potter...
    - Coffee2353
    Meet Coffee2353 (me) on cp time 1:00 at the beach on Monday March 3

  17. this is a great site i love it can you let me join it plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
    my cp name is captainpoke
    p.s. im over a year old on cp.
