Friday, May 2, 2008

New Penguin Style Catalog- May Issue!

Wow, there is a whole much of hidden items in this issue of the Penguin Style Catalog. Here is how to find them.

To find the Crystal Staff:
  1. Go to the 2nd Page.
  2. Click on the Dragon Costume's hand.

You have now found the Crystal Staff!
To find the Woodsman's Hat:

  1. Go to the 7th Page of the catalog.
  2. Click on the green Emerald Hat.

You have now found the Woodsman's Hat!
To find the Cheesy Necktie:

  1. Go to the 10th Page.
  2. Click on the Red Penguin's neck.

You have found the Cheesy Necktie!
To find the Red Viking Helmet:

  1. Go to the 13th Page.
  2. Click on the Cocoa Bunny Costume's green tie.

You have now found the Red Viking Helmet!
To find the Blue Viking Helmet:

  1. Go to the 13th Page.
  2. Click and close on the Cocoa Bunny Costume's green tie 4 times.

You have now found the Blue Viking Helmet!
To find the Green Snorkel:

  1. Go to the 19th Page.
  2. Click on the Orange penguin's eyes.

You have now found the Green Snorkel!

That sure is a lot of things.

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President


  1. Hey nice cheat but listen, RH leaves tonight! You know what that means. I stowaway on his ship at
    11:50 cp time which is 11:40 in my time in Washington DC! So now I have a question.

  2. Cena12121,
    I'M ANGRY AT CP! Ok, I got on his ship, right? It took like 5 minutes to load! then I got down into the storage room where he sells items and hid behind a box where my name wasn't visible. Then (YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS) I saw RH AGAIN! I didn't come out but he said. "Yarr-Harr an emptys ship. Just me and good ole Yarr." Then (YOU WON'T BELIEVE THIS EITHER): THE CONNECTION LOST WHEN HE WENT BACK UPSTAIRS! I'm annoyed. I can't believe this... I will try again next time though. I SHALL NOT GIVE UP!!!! grr at CP! Well. bye

  3. Cena12121,
    i'm serious. Answer me. Next time I sneek on the ship, will you go with me? I really need a partner in "crime" lol
