Wednesday, December 1, 2010

New Club Penguin Field-Ops Cheats - Mission 25!

Here are the cheats for the new Field-Ops mission #25 for the week of December 1, 2010:

Step 1. Go the Command Room and accept the Field-Op.

Step 2. Go to the Cove and walk to the right corner.

Step 3. Puzzle found! Click on the circles to find the right symbol and break the code.

You've finished the Field-Op mission! Here's your medal!

With these medals, you can buy Elite Gear! Each item is worth a certain amount of medals.

Visit us next week for the new Field-Ops cheats!



  1. Cool blog!! I have my blog too. -Sally4253

  2. Hey Cena1212 its payday

  3. Thanks, that helped HEAPS! This is the first time I've come to this blog but it is definitely not going to be the last time! It's such an awesome blog! Well done!

  4. Thank you for sharing that with us! I like your blog! You've inspired me! :) -Hope 120

  5. Cena guess what! That Get connected thing on disney channel blew the agents cover! They told everything about agents,EPF agents, And even herbert! D:D:D:

  6. Hey Cena! Your blog is awesome, i visit it every day! best blog eva
    (seriously) :)

  7. hey cena i love your blog and it help's me alot on club penguin

    (but seriously it's the best):)
    see ya!lata!
