Thursday, May 3, 2012

Club Penguin Black Helm Pin Cheat!

There's a new pin in Club Penguin! It's the Black Helm pin.

To find the Black Helm pin:

Step 1. Go to the Cove.
Step 2. Find and click on the Black Helm pin!



  1. Awesome Pin! Club Penguin is getting ready for the Medieval party! :D


  2. If you notice there's a light blinking at the beacon telescope. Weird it may be for the Medieval Party 2012 or may be the the Migrator or Herbert.... But there was a new code in club penguin its "EPFAGENT"

  3. Hi Cena,
    Can you please tell me what screenrecorders you use? I was planning to record a drawing.
    Thank you
    By:A fan

  4. I kinda wanna know some codes so can you post some
    would be great
    thank you
