Saturday, May 5, 2012

Club Penguin May 2012 Penguin Style Catalog Cheats!

Here are the new hidden items cheats for the May 2012 issue of the Penguin Style catalog!

To find the King's Crown, Royal Scepter, and Royal Robe:

Step 1. Go to page 5.
Step 2. Click on the gold puffle.

To find the King's Blue Crown, Royal Blue Scepter, and Royal Blue Robe:

Step 1. Go to page 11.
Step 2. Click on the wizard's foot.

To find the Red Viking Helmet:

Step 1. Go to page 14.
Step 2. Click on the paintbrush.

To find the Blue Viking Helmet:

Step 1. Go to page 14.
Step 2. Open and close the Red Viking Helmet four times.

To find the Dark Cocoa Bunny Ears & Costume:

Step 1. Go to page 16.
Step 2. Click on the tree.

To find the Brown Striped Fedora & Green Recycle T-Shirt:

Step 1. Go to page 18.
Step 2. Click on the shovel.

To find the Brown Shoes:

Step 1. Go to page 19.
Step 2. Click on the pink penguin avatar's mouth.

To find the White Feather Boa:

Step 1. Go to page 21.
Step 2. Click on the aqua penguin's mouth.

To find the Silver Star Necklace:

Step 1. Go to page 23.
Step 2. Click on the blue penguin avatar.

To find the Sunset Diva Glasses, Pendant Necklace, Petal Pattern Dress, and Groovy Shoes:

Step 1. Go to page 23.
Step 2. Click on the blue penguin's hand.

This month's "Penguins At Work" item is the Blacksmith Apron.

Check out the new backgrounds! They are the Dragon Peek and Wizard's Workshop background.

For more Club Penguin catalog cheats, click here.



  1. Secret clothes are always cool! Waddle on, CP!!!

  2. Thanks! That helped me alot!

  3. thank you for these awsome cheats because now i have stuff that none of the other penguins have and i hope you continue with your website to help people that want diffrent clothes.

    from Maxbandit
