Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Party, Free Items, and Party Secrets!

Hello Penguins!

The awesome Classic Christmas Party has started! It is the best party yet! Almost all the rooms are decorated! There are 2 free Items too! Lets find them:

The first Free Item is Reindeer Antlers! There are in the Dock.
The other Free Item is a Santa Hat! There are in the Snow Forts.
There are also some Secrets in the Party! Here they are:
In the Cove, the is a "Photo With Santa" Stand. If you click on the Camera, it will make a Flash and Smoke comes out of it!
The other Secret is that all over the Island, there are Street Lamps. If you click on them, they will turn on.
Also, in the Forest, there is a Huge Train set! If you click on the Caves, Trains will come out!

This is Truly, a awesome party! Now, you know where all the Free Items are and all the Secrets. So, go check out the Classic Christmas Party!

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President

1 comment:

  1. cool can you take a picture with you what you take at the cove ?
