Showing posts with label Party Cheats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Party Cheats. Show all posts

Friday, December 18, 2009

Club Penguin 2009 Magic Sleigh Ride Cheats!

One of the biggest things that's in the Holiday party is the Santa Sled! You can even get a free prize from it. Here's how it works.

Step 1. Open your map and go to the Town-enter the Dance Club-go upstairs into the Dance Lounge.

Step 2. Enter the door that says "SANTA SLED".

Step 3. Your now in the sled! Wait til the sled takes off the ground.

Step 4. Once your in the air, you need to drop presents off the sled and land them in the igloo's chimneys. To do this, aim for the chimneys and press the red button to release the presents.

Step 5. Keep an eye on the "PRESENTS LEFT TO DELIVER" sign to see how much more presents you have to land in chimneys.

Step 6. Once you've delivered all of your presents, you will receive a free gift! A Santa Suit will appear once you've finished everything. Click on it to get it.

Cool, huh? But the bummer is that the Magic Sleigh Ride is only for members.


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

New Club Penguin Christmas Start Screen!

Pretty cool start screen on! The screen says " 'Tis the season of giving! Come join the celebration! "

Click Here for a Club Penguin 2009 Christmas Party sneak peek!


Monday, December 7, 2009

2009 Club Penguin Christmas Party Sneak Peek!

Yes, this is a Christmas Party sneak peek! Check it out!

I can't believe it's almost time for the Christmas Party, right? The party will be December 18th - 27th

Other Christmasy upcoming events are...

  • Coins for Change will begin - start saving!
  • New Postcards - with a Christmas surprise!
  • Rockhopper arrives with the Treasure Hunt game!
  • New catalogs - Holiday igloo stuff!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Club Penguin Medieval Party Cheats and Member's Quest Cheats!

The 2009 Medieval Party is rockin' awesome! There's so many cool things. Here are the Medieval Party Cheats.

To get the Free Wizard Hat, go to the Lighthouse and click on it.

How to do Club Penguin Medieval Party Member's Quest-

1. Find and click on the "Knights Needed" poster (they are in every room).
2. Click "Go There!"
3. It'll take you to the cave. Walk into the gate.

Challenge #1- Go to every orb and stand on the platform to light them.

The next gate will now open.

Challenge #2- Hit 50 targets, then get the free Golden Shield.

The next gate will now open.

Challenge #3- Get the Golden Night's Helmet then do the maze.

This is how you do the maze.

1. Go Down
2. Go Left
3. Go Down
4. Go Right
5. Go Right
6. Go Up

You now have finished the Members Quest! Get your last free item, the Golden Night's Armor!

-Cena12121, Team Club Penguin Cheats Leader
TCPC: Club Penguin Cheats & More!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sub-Marine Party started, Free Items, and Party Cheats!

Hello Penguins!

The Sub-Marine Party has started! The music, decorations and everything is great! There are two free items. The first free item is the Yellow Snorkel! It is in a treasure chest at the Forest.

The second free item is a Sea Shell Belt! They are in a box at the Book Room.
Also, some decorations do cool things! Click on the Octupus' leg to make it move.
Click on the top of the Castle to make fishes move.

Click on the bottom of the Anchor to make it move.

Click on the fish that is in the Forest to make it change colors.

Click on the Turtle shell to make a the turtle come out.
Make sure to check the party out! It it loads of fun!

-Cena12121 (T.C.P.C. President)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Party Cheat- Walk on Buildings!

Hey Penguins!

I found this cool Glitch in the Party! You can walk anywhere on the Dance Club Walls! This is how to do it:

  • Go to the Town.
  • Climb all the way up on the Golden Stairs of the outside of the Night Club.

  • Now, click on the Coffee Shop's door.

You now should be walking on the Night Club!

-Cena12121 (T.C.P.C. President)

Winter Fiesta-Val Party!

Hello Penguins!

The Winter Fiesta-Val Party has started! I just love it! It has great music, decorations, and a free item! The Free Item is Festive Maracas! They are in the Dance Club.

My faverite room is the Coffee Shop! Be sure to check it out!

-Cena12121 (T.C.P.C. President)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Party Secret!

Hello Penguins!

I found this neat secret in the Christmas Party! Here is how to do it:

  1. Go to the Town.
  2. Go to the Coffie Shop.
  3. Go Upstairs.
  4. Now, click on the Painting on the wall and it changes!

You can also watch the video on how to do it:

Until then . . . Happy Holidays

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President

Christmas Party, Free Items, and Party Secrets!

Hello Penguins!

The awesome Classic Christmas Party has started! It is the best party yet! Almost all the rooms are decorated! There are 2 free Items too! Lets find them:

The first Free Item is Reindeer Antlers! There are in the Dock.
The other Free Item is a Santa Hat! There are in the Snow Forts.
There are also some Secrets in the Party! Here they are:
In the Cove, the is a "Photo With Santa" Stand. If you click on the Camera, it will make a Flash and Smoke comes out of it!
The other Secret is that all over the Island, there are Street Lamps. If you click on them, they will turn on.
Also, in the Forest, there is a Huge Train set! If you click on the Caves, Trains will come out!

This is Truly, a awesome party! Now, you know where all the Free Items are and all the Secrets. So, go check out the Classic Christmas Party!

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween Party Started and Candy Hunt!

Hey Guys!
I am going to tell you how to get the all the candy for the Candy Hunt! Ok, lets get started!

First, you have to get the Pumpkin Basket. They are in the Snow Fort.
Then, to find the first piece of candy, go to Ski Lodge. The candy is in the Mullet's eye.
Now, to get the second piece got to the Light House Beacon. It is in the Life Preserver.
The Third one is in the pile of Candy. Click on the bowl and it will open up. The Candy is in it.
To get the fourth one, you have to look in the Binoculars. Stay looking in it for about 6 seconds and you will see a funny looking Octopus holding a lolly Pop. Click on the lolly pop and you have it.
Now, for the fifth one go to the Dance Club.Click on the Green Puffle.
When you have clicked the Puffle a Board will appear. It will give you a riddle. The answer to the riddle is Happy Halloween.
Then the board will go and the Puffle will make your fifth piece of candy.
The sixth piece of candy is in the Pizza Parlor. It is in one of the tube of the Piano.
The seventh one is on the top of the Mountain. You have to click on the Scar Crow and the Candy will fall out.
The last one is in the forest.It is hidden in one of the holes in the tree.
Now, when you got all eight pieces of candy click on your pumpkin Basket and then click "Claim Prize"
Your award is a Halloween Scarf!

Enjoy the Halloween Party!

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President