Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Party Secret!

Hello Penguins!

I found this neat secret in the Christmas Party! Here is how to do it:

  1. Go to the Town.
  2. Go to the Coffie Shop.
  3. Go Upstairs.
  4. Now, click on the Painting on the wall and it changes!

You can also watch the video on how to do it:

Until then . . . Happy Holidays

-Cena12121, T.C.P.C. President


  1. hey cena
    its me valgal41
    u dont have to post this, but my computer hibnated and i think arceus delted me :(
    could u get them to be firneds with me again? i miss arceus. i saw arceus in the night club, but all alone. i tried to explain to them that my computer hibernated but they didnt listen and left so checked my buddy list and arceus wasnt there :(
    could u talk to them?
    valgal41, your buddy :)

  2. Hey Valgal41,

    I'll try to find Arceus and tell him to be your Buddy. Ok?

    See Ya! ;-)

  3. Sorry if i took u off.....i accidentally took some people off that day.i took of some of my friends in real life.hope we meet again.

  4. its me valgal41
    ok thx
    srry this post is soooo late!!! i couldnt find it but i found it now!!
