Sunday, January 30, 2011

New EPF Message: January 30, 2011!

Elite Agents: You've received a new message from your Elite Spy Phone!

It's from Herbert! And he says...

"Hello, Error Prone Fumblers! Did you miss me? I see you've already met my latest reinvention: Ultimate Protobot! Stay tuned, there's more to come".

So it was Herbert that rebuilt the Ultimate Protobot! I knew it! Don't worry Herbert, we'll be ready for whatever your up to next!



  1. i thought it was the brown puffles that bulit the robot since they are very smart what do u think cena12121
    hey also can you come online at snow drift dock today at 11:15 please cna


  2. I thought the brown puffles rebuilt it!

  3. I can't believe Herbert Was behind all of this!

    I wonder What other levels of system defender are coming up?

    Did you know that if you click on the " secrets " thing on the newspaper and scroll over the picture, you will get a message from Herbert! I forgot what it said though.

  4. Hi guys .
    3 things 2 say. 1. Cena12121 is a boy wow. never knew.
    2. It was mymums birthday yesterday.
    3. Herbet remade the probot NO WAY!
    Well bye Cena. P.S Can you add e on c please my penguin name is Megso. I'll be on server Cozy everyday. Bye

  5. Oh yeah, that last comment was from............


  6. Maybe the brown puffles did rebuild it but herbert stole it from the brown puffles

  7. cena just to let you know, you spelled HeRbert wrong its with a R you spelled it HEbert XD Good one cena!

  8. BLEH!! Boring!! :P

  9. Hey cena. Just wanted to tell you about the new secret in the newspaper. If you click on the folder that a new secret is featured in every week in the newspaper. There will be a picture of heberts statue. On that picture there will be a paper clip and some white fibers. Click on the fibers and a secret messege will pop up from Herbert. Thought you might want to add that to your blog. Thanks for reading....

  10. You now have a new meesage from G on your spy phone! It is about how they upgraded the System Defender.:) :) :)

